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What would all our achievements mean if there was no one to share them with ?

We all strive for success, setting goals, accomplishing tasks, and making ambitious plans. The satisfaction we feel when marking them as "complete" is undeniably fulfilling. Let's pause for a moment and imagine a world where we achieve everything we desire, yet there is no one to share our victories with. 

Imagine Wimbledon without fans, trophies without an audience.

What truly makes us happy in those accomplishments is the ability to share them with people we love and value. The tribe of genuine people around us makes the difference. 

On this summer day, pick 2 people who belong to your genuine tribe, find a piece of good news and share it with them. As always we'd love to hear from you.  [email protected] 


Anna and Carol  

Founders  AD-IN  

Bastille Day Party - Secret Location - July 13
Sunset Concert & Picnic July 15
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Why did we create AD-IN?
To help tennis players find "all things tennis" easier.  Where to play, how to find partners and hidden tennis groups and how to make tennis friends. We are just getting started and welcome the feedback and thoughts from our community. [email protected]  
How you can help ? 
Tell your friends about AD-IN, come to our events, help us build community. 
Weekly AD-IN tennis tip
Are you looking for unique tennis outfits, stringing rackets, pair of new shoes or just a place to browse through great stuff. Masons tennis has been around for over 50 years. We love wearing their stuff on and off the court  https://masonstennis.com/ 
 Our Values
We are stronger when we are connected
Copyright © *AD-IN 2023  All rights reserved.

Connect with us: [email protected] 

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