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What makes us happy in life ? 

There is a Harvard study that took 80 years to determine the number one thing that makes us happy in life. They followed the lives of 2 generations from same families for eighty years. Contrary to what we imagine, they discovered that it isn't  the career achievements, corner office, diet, titles or money. It is the positive relationships  that keep us healthy, happy and fulfilled.  They called it Social Fitness. 

In the US, loneliness has been described as an epidemic. Sixty million Americans report feeling lonely or socially isolated, 57% eat all their meals alone, and over a million people in NYC live by themselves. The pandemic deepened this isolation and has persisted into the post-covid era. Remote work often means days without face-to-face interactions. And yet, we rarely talk about it. 

What does this have to do with Tennis ? 
We realize how much community matters and how much it matters for people to get together. What if social connections were easier to make? We know tennis and we love tennis. So we created AD-IN - a place where like-minded people can meet, have fun, make friends. 

To wrap up, the words of a modern Buddhist teacher Shohaku Okumura resonate deeply  "The world we live in is the world we create". 

Co-Founder and CEO of AD-IN 
[email protected] 

This week, we're spotlighting an inspiring event celebrating 10th anniversary of the Stand Up for Passion. It will be an evening filled with empowering stories and amazing people. Register, then email [email protected] and we can connect you with other AD-IN members attending so that you can enjoy the event together. 
Stand Up for Passion
What is AD-IN 
We are a community of people who love tennis. We get together on and off the court. Small groups, deep conversations. We are happy that our community has grown to 400+ people but we are still about quality vs quantity where every connection and every voice matters. We also have a WhatsApp group.
Upcoming AD-IN Events - Stay Tuned !
  • Sunday Stretches for Tennis players in Partnership with StretchLab
  • Drinks at the Harvard Club 
  • Tour of the United Nations and Drinks 
  • Picnic at the Central park - show off your best tennis outfits
  • Sunset picnic at the Riverside Clay Courts. 
  • Tennis for kids in Partnership with TennisPoint
  • Party for tennis players in partnership with NYC Racquet Sports
  • AD-IN trip to Total Tennis (Sept 6 week-end) - need to book now.
AD-IN Pilot Community 
All our 50 spots are now filled. We will be reaching out at the end of April to those who registered on how you can help us test our site. Let's bring it to life together. 
What's new and fun in NYC Tennis scene 
All our newsletters
We are stronger when we are connected
Copyright © *AD-IN 2023  All rights reserved.

Connect with us: [email protected] 

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