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We all want to play tennis, yet we often spend more time time texting, coordinating, and looking for partners. It's been a personal frustration of mine for many years. Not only to find partners but to coordinate the games, especially doubles.  We believe our 'Play Tennis' feature will make game coordination much easier. And it's first iteration is live ! 

Here's what to do:

  1. Go to the 'AD-IN to Play Tennis' section.
  2. Create a game.
  3. Share the link with friends (whatsapp, fb group, etc). 

Once your friends confirm their participation, all of you  will automatically be added to a group chat created for your game. The group chat will appear on the home screen, making it easy to coordinate your game.

As we grow, we will also introduce a 'search partner' feature inside our site. 

We hope you enjoy this new development and let us know what you think as your feedback is the only way we can improve what we do for our community. 


Founder and CEO of AD-IN 
[email protected] 
Connect with me on Linkedin

Coordinate your Tennis Game on AD-IN
Play: Round Robin Doubles
Our Summer Social special round robin at Columbia sold out within hours. However, two players have had to cancel, so we now have those spots available. It's first come, first serve. We look forward to a Saturday filled with tennis, new friendships, pizza, drinks, and enjoying the beautiful Columbia facilities 
July 27 Round Robin Doubles - 2 spots
Play: Doubles Strategy Camp offered by Tennis Tribe

We are fortunate to have Will from Tennis Tribe, a coach to professional doubles players at all the Grand Slams, joining us. He is visiting the US Open and has graciously agreed, along with two additional coaches, to offer this 3-day camp. Due to high demand and many inquiries, we have added additional space for 3.0 players. This camp will elevate your doubles game to the next level.
The group size is small, ensuring each player receives dedicated attention, focusing on net strategy, personalized coaching, and doubles formations. Players will be grouped according to their level in small groups. 
Doubles Strategy Camp


We have all joined forces to create memorable social events for our community around the US Open. There's something for everyone: a fun-filled week exploring Flushing's best cuisine, a US Open block party, watch parties, tennis networking, and much more. Keep an eye on our newsletter and Instagram for updates on what's coming next.

What is AD-IN ?
We are a community of people who love tennis. We get together on and off the court, form friendships, play tennis, travel to tennis destinations and create lifelong memories.  We also have a WhatsApp group. Email [email protected] introduce yourself and we can add you. 
What's new and fun in Tennis world: 
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We are stronger when we are connected
Copyright © *AD-IN 2023  All rights reserved.

Connect with us: [email protected] 

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