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Robert Moses, known for his disastrous urban planning nearly constructed a highway through the Central Park. However, one successful idea he implemented was the addition of tennis courts in Central Park, and later, a Tennis House, which to this day retains its original architecture. 

Until 1900s there were temporary tennis courts throughout CP. By 1910 Permanent courts were constructed in a meadow just north of the Reservoir. 

The increased number of permanent courts called for amenities for players. In 1930, the Tennis House was built, becoming the first entirely new structure added to Central Park in the 20th century. The Tennis House was slated for demolition in the 80s and was preserved due to the protests. It was then later renovated in 1980s and to this day it has its 80s charm. 

We all have stories about playing tennis at the Central Park. They range from a battle for a court reservation, showing up 1 min late and realizing a court is gone, not wearing the right shoes and being turned down, using 4 balls on the court and being called out by the loudspeaker and many more. When I check-in for tennis at CP, I sometimes feel like I am going through TSA security line. But we still all love it because nothing beats the experience of playing tennis in the midst of Central Park. 

Looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday ! 

Founder and CEO of AD-IN 
[email protected] 

Party at Central Park
AD-IN and RCTA Happy Hour
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What's new and fun in Tennis scene 
What is AD-IN ?
We are a community of people who love tennis. We get together, form friendships, play tennis, talk about life.  Small groups, deep conversations. We also have a WhatsApp group. Email [email protected] if you'd like to be added.
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