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These words are prominently displayed at the French Open. It is believed that Napoleon said them first and later Roland Garros adopted the phrase. Not many people know the full story behind the man whose name is linked to one of the world's most legendary tennis venues.  Roland Garros was a French aviation pioneer and a fighter pilot. 

Although he is forever linked to a Grand Slam, Roland had little tennis experience, having played rugby and football as a child. His true passion was airplanes. In his early 20s, a friend took him to an air show, where he fell in love with airplanes. Determined, he taught himself how to fly even before obtaining his pilot's license. 

Just four years later he set himself a goal of crossing the Mediterranean, which has never been done before. So, in 1913, he flew for nearly eight hours, setting a new record. When World War I broke out, Roland Garros 
 joined the army  and became one of the first fighter pilots. At that time fighter planes were minimally armed, so he innovated the first single-seater fighter plane equipped with onboard machine gun. 

In 1915 he was captured and spent three years as a prisoner before escaping.  Despite being in poor health, he returned to combat almost immediately. Roland Garros died in 1918 when he was shot in a battle, but he  left behind an enduring legacy for innovation and determination.  His words "Victory belongs to the most persevering" were always inscribed on his plane's propeller.  

Ten years later Emile Lesueur, president of the Stade Francais, requested that the new stadium be named  after his heroic former classmate Roland Garros. 

So, while Roland Garros did not have a direct connection to tennis, the qualities he exhibited - drive, intelligence, and courage - are the same values that define the spirit of the sport. His legacy of perseverance serves as an inspiration to all who compete at the French Open, reminding us that greatness is achieved through determination and bravery, both on and off the court.  


Founder and CEO of AD-IN 
[email protected] 

June 8: Watch Roland Garros Together
Sunday Tennis Stretches: June 9
For those of you who registered for your complimentary sessions, we are looking forward to seeing you. We will start at 2 PM with a demo of stretches specifically designed for tennis players, followed by your individual sessions.

Due to high demand, StretchLab has graciously provided two additional specialists to accommodate walk-ins. So, if you didn't register but would like to join, you're welcome to come along! It'll be fun. Please RSVP at our site (click on the button below). 
Afterward, we'll visit the Grand Bazaar next door, which has a special Home Decor Event.

Sunday Tennis Stretches
AD-IN Launch Picnic: June 15 
Please RSVP on our site if you are attending so that we can organize snacks and drinks accordingly. USTA will graciously provide some giveaways, so get ready for some exciting surprises. There will be a lot of tennis friending and we are thrilled to meet many of you in person!
AD-IN website - We are LIVE ! 
Usually it is called MVP (Minimum Viable Product), but for us it is MLP - Minimum Lovable Product as we want our users to love it as much as we do. 
Now you can create a profile, RSVP  for our social events, chat with other AD-IN members and give us your feedback by pressing the green bug button on the site. Very soon you will be able to coordinate your matches through our site and look for new players more easily. You want you to focus on playing, and we handle logistics ! 
What's new and fun in Tennis scene 
What is AD-IN ?
We are a community of people who love tennis. We get together, form friendships, play tennis, talk about life.  Small groups, deep conversations. We also have a WhatsApp group. Email [email protected] if you'd like to be added.
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We are stronger when we are connected
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Connect with us: [email protected] 

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