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Love isn't necessarily such a great thing in tennis 

There is is a cheesy line from the movie "Wimbledon" with Paul Bettany, who plays a washed out tennis player. At one point his love interest says to him "Love means nothing in tennis".  Cheesy but true. In tennis  unlike  life, a love  score is highly undesired.  

Another term we don't love as much in tennis is "being bageled". It is a 6-0 score if you win and 0-6 if you lose. No one wants to be bageled but in the in the grand scheme of things, these moments hold valuable lessons about humility and grit. 

Have you been there ? Share with us your "love and bagels" experiences and what you learned from them. 

Anna & Carol 
Founders of AD-IN  

Join us: Tennis and Cocktails - June 21

Did you know ? AD-IN weekly tennis tip: 
On July 1st, RCTA is hosting doubles match featuring former Columbia University standouts at the 96 street clay courts starting noon. After an exhibition there will be a Q&A with the players and coaches about doubles strategy. Free pizza and drinks will be offered after the event. If you like doubles, strategy and meeting new players, you will enjoy it. AD-IN founders and friends will be there. Details www.rcta.com or  [email protected] 
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It's been a month, since we launched our newsletter. Tell us how we are doing. Are the topics and tips useful? Is it too much or not enough? Should we include something else?  [email protected] 
What is AD-IN ?
AD-IN is a new tennis community in NYC to connect players on and off the court. We believe that being around people that share our passions is crucial to living a rich and fulfilling life. We bring people together in small groups, which allows them to form genuine relationships while playing or discussing strategy over a meal or drinks. 
 Our Values
Quality vs Quantity. We are building  AD-IN one connection at a time. 
Copyright © *AD-IN 2023  All rights reserved.

Connect with us: [email protected] 

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