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How are you? Busy.... and You? Also busy... 

How often do you hear that phrase? How many times a day do we say the word "busy" ? Beware of the culture of business both on and off the court. Busy - doesn't really mean productive. Busy - doesn't mean fulfilled. Busy - does not equate to being successful. 

We all want better outcomes. To find ways to generate good work, concentrate on output and find ways to detach. By spending time with people who make us feel real, present, and loved, we believe we can do that. 

How busy is your mind on a tennis court ? What happens when you clear your mind, focus on the ball and let the magic happen. Do you recall those moments ? Share them with us.  

Anna & Carol 
Founders of AD-IN  

Doubles exhibition & strategy Q&A - July 1
Sunset Concert & Picnic July 8
Surprise bubbles by CP Courts - look for AD-IN
Why did we create AD-IN?
To help people step away  from busy lives and build meaningful connections on and off the court. Our gatherings are small and intimate, our conversations are deep. Join our journey.  
Did you know ? You can ride with Roger on Waze
Cruise with Roger
 Our Values
We keep our word. We do what we say. 
Copyright © *AD-IN 2023  All rights reserved.

Connect with us: [email protected] 

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