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I must admit that the holiday season is not my favorite time of year. For me, the holidays are too focused on gifts we don’t really need and manufacturing cheer when we don’t feel it. The expectation is that you will spend it with family, but not everyone can do that or does that. I might sound like The Grinch or Scrooge but stick with me, as both characters have a moment of redemption. 

I feel that the commercialism of the holidays overshadows what is actually important. For me, that is friendship and connecting with others, especially the people who are there for us on our best and worst days. This year, I am so thankful for the dear friends who have listened to me, laughed with me and let me cry on their shoulders. They are worth their weight in gold. 

One of the friends who has stuck by me is Anna. We stick by each other. We both know how important friendship is. This is why we started AD-IN. We are dedicated to connecting people on and off the court so that you have people to share your best and worst days with, throughout the year. 

Thank you for being part of the AD-IN community.

If you are wondering about the newsletter title, one of my favorite holiday songs is I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. The reason being, the lyrics are hilarious and ridiculous which cheers me up. 

I will close with a quote from my favorite holiday movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. 

"No man is a failure who has friends." 

We wish you a very Happy Holiday and a Happy 2024 filled with lots of tennis.  


COO and co-Founder of AD-IN 
[email protected] 

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Community of people who love tennis. We get together on and off the court in small groups to form genuine relationships. If you like what we do, tell your friends about AD-IN. 
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